Funeral service & burial is performed 24-48 hours from the time of death or at the family’s request.
Our staff is available 24/7.
Pick up of body from any location. This includes Maryland, out-of-state, medical examiner’s office, hospitals, hospice, nursing homes and residence.
Funeral home provides refrigeration storage of the body if necessary
Washing and Shrouding details provided below
Hearse transportation of the body to family’s choice of mosque, in or out-of-state.
Coordination with mosque clergy for Salat-ul-Janazah prayer
Hearse transportation of body to family’s Cemetery of choice. Assisting with burial at gravesite
Filing the Death Certificate and Providing Copies.
Washing and Shrouding
Men are washed by men and women are washed by women.
Our expert team of Muslim brothers & sisters follow Islamic protocol in performing in the ritual wash called Ghusl.
Muslim Family members & friends are encouraged to participate in the Ghusl. Led by our team of experts.
For safety, family members participating in the Ghusl are required to wear disposable gowns, latex gloves, shoe covers, and masks provided by the funeral home.
The body is washed an odd number of times from right to left. Then wrapped (shrouded) in multiple white cloth sheets called kaffan. Provided by the funeral home
The body is then placed in a wooden casket for visitation & transport
Families have the option of burying their loved one with or without a casket
Additional charges apply for casket burial
Mosque Etiquette
Family & friends attending prayer services at the mosque should be modestly dressed. Men are to avoid wearing sleeveless shirts
Women should dress in loose fitting long garments. Respectfully covering the arms, legs & hair with a head scarf.
At the mosque, the funeral prayer called Salat al-Janazah often takes place inside a carpeted area called the Musalla
Before entering the Musalla, attendants must remove their shoes. Entering with bare feet or socks.
The Janazah prayer is led by an Islamic clergy member called Imam.
Only Muslim men & women participate in the Janazah prayer
Guest should not take photos or use recording devices at the service or burial.
Traditionally, only men attend the gravesite burial. However, modern communities allow women and children to attend.
No unnecessary discussion should take place at the burial. All guests should pray for the soul of the departed.
Be prompt or early for the service. Most services last from approximately 5-30 minutes.
Additional Services
Domestic & international ship out of remains (Please call for more details)
Fetal & infant services
Installation of concrete vault at cemetery